Sunday 24 February 2008

Live a little

Yesterday, in a moment of glory, I nearly threw away all that I am working for with my kids, house etc to get re-involved in broadband. It only took a minor announcement from the DTI (DataBase ERRor as they are now called) about an indie review to think it would be worth getting involved again.

Luckily, my brain has regained some sort of equilibrium and we are back on track.

It's RALLY time.

The VW was here tonight, with my name on the windows, (minus an 'i') and it turns out the first rally of our Endurance Rally Championship is not this weekend but next. YES! This time in a fortnight we will be standing in a bar in Plymouth (with any luck) celebrating the end of the first rally we have partaken in this season. ie the second ever!!!

I cannot wait.

I have even tried to watch the promo Youtube video that South Hams Motor Club have on their site, but of course it must be too far to send it to Cumbria. Can't see it. (Bloody useless thing that they call broadband in this country - still not working. Note to self: do not get distracted.)

It might be a good thing actually, as after my driver has been here tonight, all I can think of is RALLY!

I cannot wait. And having something to live for has actually managed to ram it home that life is for living.

I've wasted well over 10 years of my life pushing for broadband in this god forsaken country, and now I am 40, it really is time to get on with the things in life that pay back. Not financially, obviously, but in FUN. And if there was anything that would ever put a big smile on your face it would be Endurance Rallying.

And I am desperately proud to be involved in the Endurance Rallying World. What a brilliant bunch of people they are.

Live a little. Whatever you want to do, whether it's paragliding - I know a man for that! or rallying, or horse riding or whatever, take the day off work and JFDI!!!

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