Monday 11 February 2008

half term

Day 3 of half term and luckily the sun has come out. This has meant that the girls stand to survive another day without perforated ear drums from me shouting at them, or just plain murder. Mainly because they are outside persecuting the ducks in the stream. However, this has led to demands for a dinghy to row up and down the beck. Required because their inflatable armchairs were burst the last time they tried this trick of canoeing to Carlisle. Sadly, they didn't make it downstream that far.

I hate half term. If I could afford boarding school, there they would find themselves. Not that I don't enjoy my kids' company, but I have to admit that when I am trying to work, which I am, I enjoy their company msot when they are asleep.

It seems though, that in order to make the most of their late night sojourns on to Youtube etc now they have laptops, I'm going to have to radically alter my body clock so that I get up at 6am and get almost a full day's work in before they even wake up. That is asking a lot of a body which at times is almost completely 12 hours out of sync with that particular timetable!

And, having done some research into my displacement activity of getting the keywords "womble porn" and my blog higher up Google, I may need to try a different search term. It is likely that no-one ever searches on Anti-terrorist caterpillars so I'm going to see whether I can list number one on such an unlikely key phrase. It's either that or "irradiated radishes" - for which I have very minor competition from some academic papers. So, womble porn has gone, and all the very odd late night thoughts about turning womble porn into some kind of revenue stream!

Time to exercise my vocal chords as child 1 is shouting at me.....

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